Thinking of Making an Adoption Plan?

An unplanned pregnancy can be scary, but Hannah’s Hope is here to help you think through your options.

Adoption is a forever plan to place your baby with an adoptive family that has been carefully selected as the best match for your child. Placing your baby in adoptive care requires you and the birth father to voluntarily surrender your parental rights through the court. If necessary, your counselor will assist with that process with the birth father. Our staff will assist you and accompany you as you do this. Additionally, we will provide emotional support for as long as you need it.

Adoption Types

There are a few different types of adoption you can choose from. Your counselor can explain all the types in more detail than the short description below.

Closed Adoption

A closed adoption means there is no contact or identifying information shared between birth parents and adoptive parents.

Semi-Open Adoption

With a semi-open adoption, a liaison from the agency helps facilitate communications and openness agreements.

Open Adoption

Open adoption means the biological and adoptive families have access to varying degrees of each other’s personal information. If you are feeling anxious or wondering about your child, some form of open adoption plan may be right for you. Your counselor will help you consider the options and choose the best plan for your peace of mind.

Private or Individual Placements

A private or individual placement occurs when a birth mother determines an adoptive family herself, usually a family member or close family friend. Contact your Hannah’s Hope counselor to discuss this further.

Selecting a Family

We look forward to helping you select a warm and nurturing family for your child. To assist you in this process, we will supply you with non-identifying information and profile books with photos from several couples waiting to become parents.

Adoptive families have gone through extensive interviews, background checks and have been verified as financially, physically, and emotionally stable before being approved for adoption. Some of these families have been in this process for at least six months, and during that time, we have gotten to know them. Hannah’s Hope has been actively involved in their lives, long before your contact with us.

Together we can carefully select the right family for your child from among the approved couples and will strive to honor any special request that you may have regarding your baby’s adoptive parents.

Licensed by the State of Tennessee we provide caring, confidential and professional services to birth parents without regard to race, religion, national origin or life circumstance. Call Today!

“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.”- Ancient Chinese Proverb